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Proof-reading is the final step in the writing process after editing your work. It is a purely technical task which requires you to identify errors in your spelling, punctuation, grammar, referencing and presentation. Effective proof-reading will help you improve your marks.

Things to check

elephant button 6 Spelling: complicated words but also ‘to, two and too’.
elephant button 6 Grammar and punctuation: tenses, commas, full stops.
elephant button 6 Referencing: details, formatting, order in reference list.
elephant button 6 Presentation: line-spacing, fonts, type sizes.
Remember... Never hand in an assignment without proof-reading it first!

A few common errors you might find

Executives often recieve very high salaries because there work effects thousands of people. Global companys take a vast array of products and services into a diversity of markets. Whilst it’s true that running a large business involved a large number of strategic & financial skills, I will argue that people skills are most important factor in determining an executives success the evidence presented, including nationwide management data provided by Kipp, 2017 shows how these skills impact every aspect of management through their        ability to motivate, persuade, engender
trust and inspire loyalty.
receive (not recieve)
their (not there)
affects (not effects)
companies (not companys)
Grammar and punctuation
It is (not it’s)
major (not large; repetition below)
involves (not involved)
and (not &)
this essay will (not I will)
are the most (not are most)
executive’s (not executives)
success. The (not success the)
Kipp, (2017, p.24) (not Kipp, 2017)
Unwanted spaces between words.
Random type sizes and fonts.
Irregular line spacing.
Odd alignments.

Useful strategies

Print out your essay and mark up your corrections with a (red) pen.

Don’t over-rely on spell check – it doesn’t know if you’ve used the wrong word (e.g. their/there).

Make several passes over the work, each time looking for different types of mistake, e.g. once for spelling, again for referencing, etc.

Check that the formatting and layout meet the requirements of your department.

After you transfer your corrections to create the final document, check that you have done so accurately.

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