What you should include in each paragraph.
This should contain a link with the previous paragraph whilst introducing your new topic, framed as a point in your overall argument.
These sentences should follow a logical order, explaining or elaborating on the topic before presenting and evaluating relevant evidence, supported by examples.
A brief summary of the point you have covered in the paragraph.

What have been the key contributing factors to our understanding of life during the Iron Age?
Another archaeological find which changed perceptions of iron-age life was the Pattison hoard, discovered on the land of Roger Pattison, a Norfolk farmer, in 1964. Until then the common belief of Lummock (2017) and other leading archaeologists who later examined the hoard, was that iron-age families were largely hunter gatherers. The discovery of several earthenware storage jars among the hoard indicated a far higher level of cultivation, confirmed by genetic testing which revealed their former contents to include wheat and a (now extinct) strain of barley. Additionally, Gant (2017, p.48) an expert in early jewellery, noted levels of sophistication in the design and manufacture of jewellery from the hoard that far exceeded those previously attributed to the period. The difference was so stark that the date of origin of the find was challenged. However, forensic examination showed Gant’s reservations to be unfounded. He noted, too, that whilst the hoard contained a range of iron implements, there was a marked absence of weaponry, the only knives found being those clearly designed to skin and gut fish or small animals. This prompted a reappraisal of the belief that iron-age settlements lived under the constant threat of violence from their neighbours. The Pattison hoard, therefore, is widely recognised as a landmark find, which helped shape historians’ understanding of Iron Age life.
Further north, the following year, the remains of a skeleton were uncovered which…