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The main body of your assignment must deliver on the promises made in your introduction and lead to your final conclusion. It showcases your main argument through a series of separate sections of text called paragraphs. These represent the building blocks of your argument and should:

elephant button 9 each contain a single main point, supported by evidence.
elephant button 9 be separated by a line-break or indent.
elephant button 9 flow together with linking words and phrases between them.
elephant button 9 comprise several sentences – see example below.
Remember... One paragraph, one idea!


What you should include in each paragraph.

Topic sentence

This should contain a link with the previous paragraph whilst introducing your new topic, framed as a point in your overall argument.

Supporting sentences

These sentences should follow a logical order, explaining or elaborating on the topic before presenting and evaluating relevant evidence, supported by examples.

Concluding sentence

A brief summary of the point you have covered in the paragraph.

What are the key factors required for the long-term health of a child?

As well as regular exercise, a good diet is vital for a child’s ongoing health. According to Brown (2014), food provides 90% of the nutrients a child needs for healthy growth. A UK-wide study by Tusk (2017) established a convincing link between those with a nutritious diet and, for example, a 50% increase in resistance to childhood diseases. Even though the survey only studied children from nought to eight years of age the author suggests that a good diet during these years might help set a child’s health for life. This hypothesis is supported by Jones (2019), who found that children with good diets up to this age retained a 20% health premium throughout their lives. A good diet during early childhood is, therefore, a lifelong investment.

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